When creating an app the uses a MasterDetailPage as the root Page, you might sometimes find that you've got a large set of padding at the top of all your pages with seemingly no way to remove it. Here's the fix. - read more.
24 Nov 2016
Encountering the SQLite PCL error 'TypeInitializationException' after updating SQLite or installing it on a new project? This will solve it. - read more.
22 Nov 2016
JQuery UI's Autocomplete is a very handy and powerful tool, but when using a custom implementation, their documentation can be out of date this post covers how to access the autocomplete instance for newer versions. (.autocomplete( "instance" )) - read more.
9 Nov 2016
Mobile devices are optimised to run complex tasks on multiple threads. Running any form of complex task on the UI thread (the main thread) will cause the UI of your application to hang (or at least seem to anyway) until the operation is complete. The fix is to run the task on another thread and return a result back to the UI thread. - read more.
10 Oct 2016
A very quick tutorial on how to add a loading overlay window with a throbber in your Xamarin Forms mobile application - read more.
1 Sep 2016
Adding a splash screen to Android and iOS using a Xamarin Forms project isn't as long winded as you think it might be. iOS already has one and Android just requires another activity. - read more.
16 Aug 2016
What is and how to fix the maxJsonLength property by changing/increasing its limit. - read more.
4 Aug 2016
What are the available SQLite attributes and what do they do? SQLite can be a very powerful and simple to use plugin/extension for any mobile app, the attributes it defines can be very useful and it it worth taking the time to understand all of them. - read more.
3 Aug 2016
Android emulators can be a bit slow and when I say slow, I mean REALLY slow. This article attempts to cover a two of the most prominent issues when using an Android emulator with Xamarin. Its speed and how buggy the debugging can be. If that makes sense. :/ - read more.
21 Jul 2016
Sometimes Xamarin can be full of bugs, scroll views and z index are one of them. - read more.
17 Jul 2016