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Aspira Blog posts

Icarus Galaxy Maps

Working on maps in Icarus Galaxy so people can code their own, using XML to add props etc to the level then a tiled map file so people can create maps with custom textures etc. Today was the first suc... - read more.

31 Jul 2012

Good times

The client and server now perfectly understand each other and multiplayer is working better than ever! Shame the server is doing the translations a bit wrong. - read more.

4 Jun 2012

Multi Threaded Server

So the server has been giving me trouble, the players weren't created quick enough so the server thought it had 3 different players connecting but really it was only one player, but anyway after furth... - read more.

4 Jun 2012

Voice Acting

So I've been doing some voice acting for Icarus Galaxy, my voice sounds terrible so I've been editing it to make it sound like a computerised voice so I can use it as the ship's AI voice! - read more.

4 Jun 2012

Icarus Galaxy Multiplayer

Multi player now works correctly on Icarus galaxy, I've got all player translations and locations happening at the same time and in the same place on every machine, I've tried it via and via... - read more.

11 Jun 2012

Media Player

Added a media player to Icarus Galaxy today, it can now automatically search through the custom music dir and play all the mp3 files in game! The player has control over skipping the music too. :D - read more.

16 Jun 2012


So... I've added planets to Icarus Galaxy, and gravity to go with them, who knowsm maybe black holes can be created from this? I've also added some performance upgrades to the media player. - read more.

25 Jun 2012

Client Server

So Icarus Galaxy made its first connection to the server app yesterday, this means multiplayer will be the main feature that I'll be working on for a while as I have no idea what to do, I guess I'll h... - read more.

23 May 2012

Chat with the server

So today I tested the connection to the server from a client that posts the user input to the server, it worked quite well, I managed to get the server to store that player in a list and then pull it ... - read more.

25 May 2012


Multiplayer finally works to a point, I managed to get a connection to the server and join the game, there were around 3 other ships on the map where I had previously connected to the server, the serv... - read more.

31 May 2012