When you're working with a large database and have to search that result set with paging, your first thought might be to select all results and then do the manipulation/count on the web server, sure that'd work, but it isn't exactly the most performant approach. Let's take a look at other ways we can produce some easily understood and most importantly, fast code. - read more.
27 Mar 2019
If like me, you've found yourself with a project that requires operations on hundreds of records simultaneously from a web project, you might have found yourself running a SQL insert/update/delete command for every one, but with the use of a C# DataTable, you'll be able to perform an action on all items with one command. - read more.
27 Feb 2018
Moving SQL Server System Tables sounds like it's going to be a complicated and fairly long-winded task, but with a few SQL queries, you're good to go. - read more.
22 Feb 2018
Did you know that you could easily insert all the column names into a stored procedure from within Microsoft SQL Management Studio? No more need for that annoying (and slow) asterisk or star operator. - read more.
6 Jul 2015
Covering how to script an entire database with table schema and data into a '.sql' file using Microsoft SQL Server and Management Console, I aim to shoot down any problems people may be facing whilst trying to migrate data to an older version of MSSQL Server. - read more.
5 Aug 2014