
There are 29 items on 3 pages.

Disabling XAML Hot Reload

How to disable the XAML Hot Reload feature in Xamarin for Visual Studio under UI Debugging Tools for XAML. - read more.

20 Jan 2020 - 3 Comments

Xamarin Forms Carousel View

Xamarin Forms has become for me, a great tool for easily creative mobile applications with speed. But where it has many great features, it also unfortunately still has a lot of bugs and incomplete or experimental features. CarouselView is one of them, so lets look at possible uses for the CarouselView, its upsides and its downfalls. We'll also look into possible alternatives and whether you should use them or not. - read more.

29 Jul 2019

How To: Firebase Cloud Messaging on Android and iOS with Xamarin

Just a quick tutorial on how to get Firebase Cloud Messaging working on Xamarin Forms for both Android and iOS. Android: text See - read more.

1 May 2019

Fixed: Unhandled Exception: Java.Lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference occurred

Looking into the solution for the Xamarin bug where developers are presented with the 'Unhandled Exception: Java.Lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference occurred' message when deploying an app to their device. - read more.

11 Mar 2019

Solved: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity

One of those types of annoying errors that'll have you do a lot of work for something that's actually a 2 second job and no real effort. - read more.

20 Dec 2017 - 1 Comments

Xamarin Forms app not updating after deploy

Xamarin Forms has an intermittent bug where an app will build and successfully deploy, but when checking the app of the device/emulator, the app hasn't updated at all and remains running an old version of the app. The solution to this lies within the bin folder of your project. - read more.

25 Jul 2017 - 1 Comments

Xamarin Forms multiple instances of same app open

Fixing an issue where multiple instances of a Xamarin Forms app can launch, sometimes on top of each other. The issue is usually caused when the application is already running and the app gets launched again from the home screen rather than the recent applications menu. - read more.

22 Jul 2017 - 6 Comments

Xamarin forms - Stop/Cancel back button event

We've all been there, set with the task to ask the user if they're sure they really want to go go back and loose the work/information on the current screen. The trouble is that if you were to Google search for just that, you'd find almost every answer says you need some sort of custom handler for each device. We can't accept that can we? Will we? No. - read more.

8 Mar 2017 - 8 Comments

FirebaseInstanceId: background sync failed: INVALID_PARAMETERS

Another annoying but simple to fix issue with installing Firebase Cloud Messaging on a Xamarin Forms project and getting it running. - read more.

22 Feb 2017

System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100017e

Why does the System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100017e error happen and how to fix it. - read more.

24 Jan 2017
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