Disabling XAML Hot Reload
How to disable the XAML Hot Reload feature in Xamarin for Visual Studio under UI Debugging Tools for XAML. - read more.
20 Jan 2020 - 3 CommentsHow to disable the XAML Hot Reload feature in Xamarin for Visual Studio under UI Debugging Tools for XAML. - read more.
20 Jan 2020 - 3 CommentsI've just upgraded Visual Studio and I'm getting this problem, most answers seem to be 'run the installer again and choose repair'. This didn't work for me. Here's what did. - read more.
12 May 2017We've all been there, set with the task to ask the user if they're sure they really want to go go back and loose the work/information on the current screen. The trouble is that if you were to Google search for just that, you'd find almost every answer says you need some sort of custom handler for each device. We can't accept that can we? Will we? No. - read more.
8 Mar 2017 - 8 CommentsSee how to replace the Xamarin Header/Navigation bar in Android iOS and Windows Phone with a custom view/template that lets to define it once for it to work on every page. A very simple and awesome solution. - read more.
10 Jan 2017 - 14 CommentsSometimes Xamarin can be full of bugs, scroll views and z index are one of them. - read more.
17 Jul 2016