Creating an animated gallery with Fotorama

A Fotorama gallery is a simple but very nice looking gallery for websites, it uses HTML, JavaScript (Don't worry you don't have to code any JavaScript to get it working) and CSS3. Just add the dependancies below to the header (or at the bottom of your body if you're a speed freak) to get started.

Once that's complete, all you need to do is make a page with a div with the class 'fotorama' and add your images into it. When you load your web page, fotorama will start up and provide you with the best looking gallery.

On a side note, if you add the following to the fotorama div, you'll get a nice icon set below the gallery slider.


If you need any more information on how to modify or interface with Fotorama, visit its website:

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Tags: jQuery,CSS3,Fotorama

Luke Alderton


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